




十大网赌正规平台警察局致力于为人民服务, 我们学院的传统和多样性. 为了保护生命和财产, 预防犯罪,减少对犯罪的恐惧, 我们会用心为您服务, 以同情回应, 廉洁执法,高瞻远瞩.





电话: 校园电话:(530)895-2351或2677 (COPS)


电子邮件: carlsonca@ctdj.net

有关卡尔森局长的更多信息,请 点击这里.

电子邮件: sloando@ctdj.net







有关《十大网赌正规平台》的更多信息: http://clerycenter.org/policy-resources/the-clery-act/ 





关于你们学校警察部门的事-  The College Police Officers have peace officer authority pursuant to Penal Code 830.32和教育守则72330. The College Police Department is responsible for law enforcement and all emergency responses on campus. It is also responsible for providing support services tailored to meet the needs of the campus community. Our department strives to provide a sensitive measured approach to all situations requiring police assistance, 同时保持学院的自治权.


十大网赌正规平台有3个校外中心.  其中两个位于奇科市,另一个位于奥兰多市. The 十大网赌正规平台警察 Department provides primary law enforcement and emergency response coverage for the Chico Center and Skyway Center.  General Law enforcement for the Orland Center is provided by the Orland police department.  Any criminal activity or any other emergencies occurring in the Orland Center should immediately be reported to the local police department and center staff.

在这个社会上没有一所大学是没有风险的. We encourage all Butte College members to work together in cooperation to create an atmosphere that is safe and conducive to learning. All campus members are encouraged to immediately report any suspicious or unlawful activity on campus to the College Police Department. 你可以每周7天,每天24小时联系学院警察局.

拨打我们的紧急电话(红色电话)在主校区. 只要打开手机,按下按钮. 电话会自动给校警打电话.  您也可以拨打911或530-895-2351.




预防犯罪-你的努力将大大增加, 或影响, 因为我们有能力把校园里的犯罪活动控制在最低水平.



  • Do report all criminal activity and/or suspicious circumstances to the College Police Department.
  • 是否保护好你的个人财产,随时随身携带或保管好.
  • 你的私人物品有标记吗, 比如手机, 数字记录设备, 计算器, MP3播放器, 或者带有某种形式的身份证明的个人电脑,比如你的名字, 学号, 等.


  • 如果可能的话,不要在晚上独自行走.
  • 不 leave books, jewelry, purses, wallets, backpacks, or other valuables unattended.
  • 不 leave personal property unattended in desks or file cabinets unless they are locked.
  • 不 give your out personal information such as your e-mail or phone numbers to people you do not know.
  • 不要把贵重物品放在显眼的地方,而且一定要锁好车.





  • 用于非紧急医疗和执法, 请致电(530)895-2351呼叫十大网赌正规平台警察局. (校内分机号2351). 跟接线员保持通话.
  • 亲自到设施规划和管理大楼报告.
  • 使用校园内的紧急电话.
  • 通知学院员工打电话给学院警察,分机号2351.





  • 在现场停下来检查一下 看看有没有人在车祸中受伤.
  • 如果有人需要医疗救助请打911. 如果有人失去知觉, it is best not to move them unless absolutely necessary as moving them could make their injuries worse. If you must move injured people, make sure to keep their head and neck supported the entire time.
  • 安全地避开交通 如果可能的话. 如果你的车坏了, 打开警示灯或打开引擎盖,警告附近的其他司机. 你的安全是最重要的.
  • 向适当的执法机构报告事故 (i.e. 十大网赌正规平台的警察在校园里, 奇科市的警察, 或者在高速公路上的加州公路巡警, 等.)
  • 不承认或否认责任,不签署任何文件 除非警务人员要求这样做.
  • 与司机交换姓名、地址和车辆登记号码 另一辆车. (见交通意外报告 点击这里.)
  • 取得任何证人的姓名、地址和电话号码. (见交通意外报告 点击这里.)
  • 把与车祸有关的一切都拍下来,只要安全就行. 这些照片应该包括每个司机, 车祸中的每辆车都显示出任何财产损失, 刹车的痕迹, 其他财产损失, 以及车祸发生的地点. 图片越多越好. 如果有疑问,就拍照. 在你的置物箱或后备箱里放一个一次性相机是个好主意. 如果没有其他可用的相机,那么你应该使用手机相机. Pictures may help your automobile insurance company determine how much you should be paid for your injuries.



如果你想在我们的校园张贴停车罚单, submit a written request within 21 days of the issued date of your citation to the City of Chico, P.O. 加利福尼亚州奇科市3449号信箱95927-3449. 指出你认为引文错误的原因. 附上与上诉有关的文件副本. 奇科市将审查申诉并直接答复您. If you have further questions on the process or you want to check on the status of your citation, 你可以拨打他们的咨询热线(800)828-3551.



根据民法典第2080-2080条.9, all found property turned into the Police Department are kept for 90 calendar days. 

Due to health safety and storage concerns, the following items will not be stored as Lost and Found: 

  • Any container of perishable food or beverage to include water bottles and coffee mugs
  • 用过或穿过的衣物,包括衬衫, 裤子, 围巾, 泳衣, 内衣, 鞋子, 凉鞋, 靴子, 袜子, 帽子或其他作为衣服穿的物品. 
  • 夹克, sweatshirts or similar outer garments may be store if the items appears to be clean and in good condition.
  • Items that a reasonable person would consider to be refuse (things thrown away as being of no value or use, 特别是生活垃圾)将被丢弃.     

 After 90 calendar days, if the owner cannot be located, the property may be destroyed or donated. 询问失物或失物的下落, 联系十大网赌正规平台警察局,电话:(530)895-2351. 



Depending on availability, College Police may assist in lock-outs and jump starts of your vehicle. Officers will ask for owner verification and will require you to sign a liability waiver form.



Carpooling is encouraged as an alternative transportation and receives preferential parking in parking lots 1, 3, 和图4, 和奇科中心. A current Butte College carpool decal is required and you must register with the 十大网赌正规平台警察 Department each semester. You must have at least 2 or more people in your vehicle when you park in a designated carpool parking space. Registration is available on the main campus or at the Chico Center and must be completed in person. 要注册,请完成 应用程序 ahead prior to registering in person at Butte College Facilities Planning and Management or at the Chico Center. 请带上您的车辆信息,如车牌号, 车辆的型号和颜色. Please also bring your previous semester permit hanger or 75 cents to purchase a permit hanger. 欲了解更多信息,请 点击这里 或致电530-895-2351与十大网赌正规平台警察局联系.



Preferential parking for electric vehicles and high efficiency vehicles are available on the main campus. 奇科中心也提供电动停车场. A permit is not required for electric vehicle parking; however, your vehicle must be actively connected and charging to the electrical outlet in order to park in the space. 才有资格使用替代燃料, 车辆必须使用非汽油或柴油燃料, 比如电, 氢, 液化天然气, 液化石油气, 以及由煤制成的液体, 酒精, 或生物柴油. 达到高效车辆的标准, 车辆必须达到EPA规定的34英里/加仑(高速公路)或更高.

Registration for an alternative fuel/high efficiency vehicle permit is only available on the main campus and must be completed in person. 要注册,请完成 应用程序 ahead prior to registering in person at Butte College Facilities Planning and Management. Please bring a copy of your vehicle registration as verification and bring your previous semester permit hanger or 75 cents to purchase a permit hanger. 欲了解更多信息,请 点击这里 或致电530-895-2351与十大网赌正规平台警察局联系.




星期一至星期五,早上五点半.m. 至晚上11时.m.

周六和周日,早上7点.m. 至下午5时.m.


District employees in need of contacting College Police between these hours will need to first call extension 2351 from an on campus telephone or 530-895-2351 from off campus. 如果没有答案, then you will need to call the Elite Universal Security Dispatch Center at (888) 948-4774. 他们将按要求派遣一名军官.

除了, anyone requiring entrance or exit from the campus when the gates are closed will need to meet with College Police or Elite Security (after having made contact with them) at the main Durham-Pentz gate during these hours. 这是唯一一扇在下班后不锁的门.



  • 系好安全带,这是法律规定.
  • 开车时不准发短信——这是法律规定.
  • 注意——不要分心或把你的眼睛从路上移开.
  • 如果你需要打电话或发短信,就把车停在路边.
  • 不要矫枉过正的. Many accidents result from overcorrecting as drivers try to get back on to the road. 如果你出了岔路,不要急转弯重新开上来. 如果你这样做,你可能会翻车.
  • 确保雨刷处于良好状态.
  • 慢下来,给你的旅行留出更多的时间. 张贴的最高速度限制不适用于潮湿或结冰的道路.
  • 如果遇到大雾,再次减速. 开车时把车灯开低.

Butte College | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 |一般信息 (530) 895-2511
